Hotel specialist
Secondary school leaving certificate, secondary school leaving certificate or high school diploma
Communicative and able to work in a team
First foreign language skills
Flexible and resilient
Organizational talent and fun selling
Service-oriented and good manners
Well-groomed appearance
Preparation of the guest rooms and control of the service standards
Serving food and beverages
Independent management of the hotel cash desk and billing for the guests
Working at the reception
Clean and check the room
Planning and implementation of events
Participation in the development of marketing measures
Processing of high quality food and drinks
The training period for trainees in the hotel business is 3 years
The vocational school takes place 1 day or 2 days per week

Trainee m /f/d Hotel Management for
Secondary school leaving certificate, secondary school leaving certificate or high school diploma
Communicative and able to work in a team
First foreign language skills
Flexible and resilient
Organizational talent and fun selling
Service-oriented and good manners
Well-groomed appearance
Preparation of the guest rooms and control of the service standards
Serving food and beverages
Independent management of the hotel cash desk and billing for the guests
Working at the reception
Clean and check the room
Planning and implementation of events
Participation in the development of marketing measures
Processing of high quality food and drinks
The training period for trainees in the hotel business is 3 years
The vocational school takes place 1 day or 2 days per week

Trainee m /f/d Hotel Management for
Secondary school leaving certificate, secondary school leaving certificate or high school diploma
Communicative and able to work in a team
First foreign language skills
Flexible and resilient
Organizational talent and fun selling
Service-oriented and good manners
Well-groomed appearance
Preparation of the guest rooms and control of the service standards
Serving food and beverages
Independent management of the hotel cash desk and billing for the guests
Working at the reception
Clean and check the room
Planning and implementation of events
Participation in the development of marketing measures
Processing of high quality food and drinks
The training period for trainees in the hotel business is 3 years
The vocational school takes place 1 day or 2 days per week
and become part of the Mühlen family
4 Wochen Betriebsferien (2 Wochen im Januar und 2 Wochen im August/September)
faire Beteiligung am Trinkgeld
jährliche Mitarbeiterveranstaltungen (Sommerfest, Weihnachtsfeier, Betriebsausflug)
Zusatzleistungen (betriebliche Altersvorsorge, Mitarbeiterschulungen,
Rabatte auf betriebsinterne Leistungen etc.)
Poloshirts und Fleecejacken
Ein tolles Betriebsumfeld mit familiärer Arbeitsatmosphäre
Ein kompetentes, junges und sehr motiviertes Team
Interne Weiterbildungen und Trainings
ein neuer und top ausgestatteter Arbeitsplatz
Raum zur persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung
Möglichkeiten der Mitgestaltung und Einbringung eigener Ideen
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Hotel und Restaurant Alte Mühle
Mühlgarten 5
96472 Rödental
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